
Showing posts from November, 2012

Racial differences in narcissistic tendencies

Journal of Research in Personality 45 (2011) 456–467 Virgil Zeigler-Hill ⇑,1, Marion T. Wallace Department of Psychology, University of Southern Mississippi,  Black individuals reported much higher scores on the Grandiose Exhibitionism subscale of the NPI than White individuals but there was no difference between the scores of Black and White individuals for the Entitlement Rage subscale of the PNI. Although Black individuals did not report elevated levels of pathological narcissism, the connection between maladjustment and pathological narcissism was particularly strong for Black individuals. This suggests the possibility that pathological forms of narcissism may serve as a marker of vulnerability to psychological distress for Black individuals. This could be due to the manner in which Black individuals with narcissistic tendencies are treated by broader society. That is, n...