“Culture”: a user’s guide
David de Ugarte 57 ~ April 11th, 2013 http://english.lasindias.com/culture-a-users-guide What is national culture , really, and how should it be understood when it’s time to travel and deal with people “from outside?” While the word “people” is in ever-greater danger of sliding , the word “culture” was born in a dangerous place, because, in spite of how it might appear, it’s very much a political term, a concept formed and created in the bosom of German romantic nationalism . It carries such amibiguity that Gustavo Bueno, a notable archaeologist of concepts, ended up exclaiming that "No one understands what Culture is, as no one understood in the days of yesteryear what the Grace of God was. Culture is a myth, and an obscurantist myth, as was the myth of Grace in the Middle Ages or as was the “twentieth-century myth,” the myth of Race, in the first half of that century. In a certain way, it could be said that the myth of Culture ...