This blog ("weblog") which goes back to Nov. 2005 is more an online scrapbook of essays and quotes from others. Known historically as a "commonplace book", it serves as a repository for whatever I consider useful information along a common theme which I call "cultureplaces". The various excerpts that contain research findings and journalistic commentary also inform the interaction of values and our genetic heritage discussed occasionally among a small group of culterati in the Bay Area.
Genetic test predicts your success in life, but not happiness
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“It is important that people recognise and respect genetic scores,” says Plomin. “When kids don’t do well, we blame their teachers and parents, but kids vary genetically. [A low polygenic score] doesn’t mean a kid can’t learn, but we should recognise that it might take more effort.”
What’s your genetic score?
By Jessica Hamzelou
Next time you have a success, you’d better toast your genes as well as your supportive family, teachers and pets. Subtle variations across the genome can go a small way to predicting how likely a person is to have a prestigious job, a high income, to do better than their parents and to have a likeable personality – in short, to be successful.
Daniel Belsky at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, has been looking at data on a group of 918 New Zealanders, now in their 40s, who have been studied since they were born. Researchers have collected reams of data on these individuals over their lives, including everything from the age at which they started to speak, walk and use a potty, to their movements, jobs, health, intelligence, self-control and personalities. “We have a rich picture of them,” says Belsky.
The research builds on a 2013 study looking at the genetic profiles of 126,000 people. It compared these with each person’s educational attainment – the highest level of education each person achieved. Instead of looking for individual “genes for education”, the researchers looked for subtle variations across the genome. They found thousands of genetic variations that individually were barely significant, but together offered a way of calculating what is called a “polygenic score” that accounted for 2 per cent of the variation in educational attainment.
Genes for success
When Belsky and his colleagues looked at the genetic profiles of the New Zealanders, they found that those with higher polygenic scores not only had a greater education, but went on to achieve more in other ways. By the age of 38, they had more prestigious occupations, higher incomes, more assets and were better at managing their finances. The individuals’ polygenic scores could predict success even when the team accounted for their level of education.
The relationship held regardless of whether the person had come from a rich or poor family, too – those with a higher polygenic score were more likely to achieve upward social mobility, and do better than their parents. “You wouldn’t have predicted social mobility based on genetics,” says Robert Plomin at King’s College London. “I think it’s a heartening sign.”
Belsky’s team also found that successful people with higher polygenic scores were more likeable and friendly, both as children and adults. “It’s a ‘nice guys finish first’ story that I didn’t expect to find,” says Belsky. But the polygenic scores had no link to life satisfaction or health.
Tweaking the odds
The score can only account for a few percentage points in the variation between individuals – there are of course many other factors that determine a person’s life course. But if there are ways to improve the odds of success for an entire population by even a tiny amount, the overall impact could be huge, says Belsky.
For example, he found that those with a higher polygenic score learned to read when they were younger. A young reading age has been linked to better outcomes later in life. “You could argue in favour of investing in early language acquisition and reading,” says Belsky.
“It is important that people recognise and respect genetic scores,” says Plomin. “When kids don’t do well, we blame their teachers and parents, but kids vary genetically. [A low polygenic score] doesn’t mean a kid can’t learn, but we should recognise that it might take more effort.”
Tough choices
Sometimes even a tiny increase in the odds of a child’s success could be desirable. In IVF, multiple embryos are created before one is selected to be implanted in the uterus. When choosing, embryologists look for signs that the embryo is healthy. In some cases, the embryos are also genetically screened to check that they are free of major diseases. In theory, they could also take the polygenic score for each embryo, allowing parents to pick the one with the greatest genetic odds of future success.
“You could do that, although some might be appalled at the idea,” says Richard Olson at the University of Colorado in Boulder, who studies the genetic and environmental influences on reading and related skills.
Belsky isn’t in favour of embryo selection by polygenic score, either – partly because so many genes are involved, and we don’t know what all of their effects might be. “These are complex traits influenced by many sites throughout the genome,” he says. “If we select for them, we might also be selecting for other, less desirable outcomes.” Journal reference: Psychological Science, DOI: 10.1177/0956797616643070
An email sent to Kristin Jacobson, Assistant Professor, University of Chicago Medical School Dear Prof. Jacobson, I was just leafing through my University of Chicago Magazine this evening when I came across the article summarizing your new grant. I have to say I was amazed. Though the author tiptoed around the area under investigation, you are entering some very choppy waters. The attempt to identify the genetic and biological contributions to anti social behavior and cognition is normally considered taboo, since it inevitably ventures into racial variables. Though I am familiar with some work reported in press releases and abstracts of journals, as you can see from my weblog, most researchers, considering the downside, tend to avoid such studies, even with the best of intentions. I can't help be reminded of the unfortunate lesson of Chicago's Dr. Bruce Lahn, with whom you undoubtedly have discussed your research interests. As was noted several years ago in the Wall Stre...
BY CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ON APRIL 14, 2016 COGNITION Why do we sometimes decide to take risks and other times choose to play it safe? In a new study, Caltech researchers explored the neural mechanisms of one possible explanation: a contagion effect. The work is described in the March 21 online early edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . In the study led by John O’Doherty, professor of psychology and director of the Caltech Brain Imaging Center, 24 volunteers repeatedly participated in three types of trials: a “Self” trial, in which the participants were asked to choose between taking a guaranteed $10 or making a risky gamble with a potentially higher payoff; an “Observe” trial, in which the participants observed the risk-taking behavior of a peer (in the trial, this meant a computer algorithm trained to behave like a peer), allowing the participants to learn how often the peer takes a risk; and a “Predict” trial, in which the ...
Excerpted from: Solving The African IQ Conundrum : "Winning Personality" Masks Low Scores By J. Philippe Rushton VDare August 12, 2004 Over a century ago, Sir Francis Galton initiated research into individual and race differences in intelligence and temperament. He was the first to propose the study of human twins and of selective breeding in animals to disentangle the effects of heredity and environment. And it was Galton—who spent several years exploring in what is now Namibia as a young man—who first contrasted the talkative impulsivity of Africans with the taciturn reserve of American Indians, and the placidity of the Chinese. Galton further noted that these temperament differences persisted irrespective of climate (from the frozen north through the torrid equator), and religion, language, or political system (whether self-ruled or governed by the Spanish, Portuguese, English or French). Anticipating later studies of tr...
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